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Recommend products

you care about, all in one place

Judge.me recommendations exampleJudge.me recommendations example

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Ready to try it out?
Always free for influencers and reviewers. 100% of any referral income you make will continue to go to you.
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Judge.me recommendations
Frequently Asked Questions

As an influencer, you can:

  • Have a dedicated page (with minimal setup, free of charge) to showcase the full list of all products you endorse.
  • Create product recommendations based on your existing reviews, or content published on your website or social media (Instagram, YouTube).
  • Earn commissions on the sales made via the affiliate links on your public profile.
  • Add sections to promote your merchandise and social media channels.

Product recommendations help you share your experiences about the products that you have used and want to recommend to your followers. A product recommendation can comprise:

  • Your genuine, unbiased thoughts about the product
  • A photo or video featuring the product
  • Product details (name, price, image)
  • Link to purchase the product (can be your own affiliate link)
You can create your recommendations in three ways:
  1. from existing reviews
  2. from existing blog articles/YouTube videos/Instagram posts
  3. from a blank template.
By creating product recommendations on Judge.me, you can consolidate all your content in one place, and earn commissions on the sales generated from Judge.me.

Your Judge.me profile page is an additional channel for you to manage your recommendations easily and make them more obvious to your followers. While you may have other content on your website, this page solely focuses on showcasing product recommendations.
For example:

  • You may have a long YouTube video that covers a makeup tutorial and some product recommendations. You can feature this video on your Judge.me profile page and create a recommendation to give more details about the product you recommended such as its name, price, link to buy, etc.
  • When visiting your profile page, your followers will have every information they need to make a buying decision. They can buy the product easily by clicking on the "Shop this product" button and you can earn commissions on the sales coming from your page.
Besides, you can add an optional merchandise section to feature your own products. You can add your own affiliate links and/or coupons links into the call-to-action (CTA) buttons to promote your products.
For example:
  • You have a shop selling homemade lip balm and you’ve just introduced new products last week. You can make use of this merchandise section to offer discount links to first customers who purchase your lip balm.
  • Another example is when you coordinate with a brand who is selling their products via Amazon. In this case, you can also add your affiliate links into the CTA buttons to attract more sales.

Your Judge.me profile page is where you can list all your product recommendations (and affiliate links), whether the recommendation is from your existing YouTube videos, Instagram photos, or created from scratch. Because your recommendations are consolidated in one place, it's easier and more convenient for you to manage, and for your visitors to see those recommendations.

Yes, this page is completely free. As you create more product recommendations , our platform can help more consumers to make buying decisions based on real opinions. In the long run, we can establish our brand as a consumer reviews platform that assists product discovery based on genuine, unbiased product recommendations. Therefore, we don’t need to nor want to nor will ever charge you for being on our platform.

You have full control over what is displayed on your profile page.

  • You have access to a settings page where you can manage the content of your profile page. To log in to this settings page, you can request a secured "magic link" sent to your email address from Judge.me. Your magic link will expire in about 3 hours. You can also log in using your Facebook or Google account.
  • After you have logged in to your profile settings page, no one (including the store owner you purchased from) can't edit your data (name, phone number, etc.) via API or Shopify store admin.
  • All reviews you have submitted via Judge.me widgets will be consolidated in your settings. You can edit the star rating, text, and photos of your review.
  • You can create product recommendations from your existing reviews or other content on your website or social media. You can choose to publish only the recommendations you want.
  • We'll need your authorization before synchronizing any content from your Instagram account. When creating your YouTube social feed, we'll only display published content on your channel.

If you have additional questions, check our knowledge base or contact us via support@judge.me. If you are new to Judge.me, visit our website: https://judge.me to learn more about us. You can also read more about how Judge.me protects your Data Subject Rights if you have any privacy concerns.